Quarter Note Symbol ♩

A basic unit of musical notation, the quarter note is used to express both rhythm and time in the language of music. It is essential for expressing the tempo and structure of a musical work and enables performers to craft dynamic and expressive compositions. We will examine the importance, composition, and uses of the quarter note in music in this article.

The Significance of the Quarter Note

  • Rhythmic Basis: The quarter note provides the basis for rhythm in music. Its length establishes the framework for arranging musical beats and measures and serves as the timing reference point.
  • Versatility: The quarter note has a wide range of applications. It can be used to create a variety of rhythmic patterns by combining it with different note values, rests, and time signatures, giving musical compositions more depth and complexity.
  • Dynamic Expression: One way that music expresses itself dynamically is through the quarter note. Its placement and timing within a composition can accentuate musical phrases, imply forward motion, and communicate emotions.

Structure and Duration

The quarter note has a unique duration and structure:

  • Symbol: A solid notehead (●) with a straight stem is used to symbolize the quarter note. When necessary, it can also be used in conjunction with beams or flags to denote shorter note durations.
  • Duration: A quarter note lasts one beat in common time (4/4), which is equal to one-fourth of a whole note. Using different time signatures or tempo markings affects how long it lasts exactly.

Application in Music

The quarter note has several essential roles in music:

  • Time Signatures: The time signature frequently determines the value of a quarter note. The most popular time signature, 4/4 time, gives one beat to each quarter note. The quarter note may play a different role in time signatures other than 3/4, 6/8, or 2/4.
  • Quarter notes are used by musicians in a variety of rhythmic patterns. They are combined with other note values, such as eighth and half notes, to produce complex rhythms and grooves in a piece of music.
  • Conveying Tempo: The speed at which quarter notes are played can be used to determine a piece's tempo. For instance, a piece labeled "Allegro" calls for quicker quarter note execution than a piece labeled "Adagio."


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Quarter Note Symbol Information

Symbol Name Quarter Note
Unicode Version 1.1 (June 1993)
Unicode U+2669
CSS Code \2669
Hex Code ♩
HTML Code ♩
Alt Code 2669

Quarter Note Symbol Encoding

UTF-8 0xE2 0x99 0xA9
UTF-16 0x2669
UTF-32 0x00002669

Quarter Note symbol's PNG and SVG files

How to add quarter note symbol via keyboard on different Operating systems

You can type the quarter note on most modern devices with the help of following methods:

How to type quarter note symbol on Microsoft Word

You can type the quarter note on microsoft Microsoft Word using steps mentioned below:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol and type 2 6 6 9
  • Without moving the cursor press keys Alt + x together
  • The original 2 6 6 9 is now transformed into ♩

How to type quarter note symbol on Microsoft Windows

You can type the quarter note on Microsoft windows using following steps:

  • Hold Alt and press 2 6 6 9 to type quarter note on your windows machine.

How to type quarter note symbol on Mac OS

You can type the quarter note on Mac OS using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Press Ctrl + ⌘ Command + ⎵ Space to bring up the Character Viewer. Alternatively, choose Edit ⇒ Emoji & Symbols
  • Type “Quarter Note” in the search field at the top and press Enter
  • The symbol should appear. Click on it to insert it into your text
  • How to type quarter note symbol on Mac OS
    How to type quarter note symbol on Mac OS

How to type quarter note symbol on Linux

You can type the quarter note on Linux using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Hold ⇧ Shift + Ctrl and press the letter + U
  • Press keys 2 6 6 9 consecutively
  • And then press ↵ Enter , the desired symbol will be added to your document

How to type quarter note symbol on IOS and Android

The easiest way to type the quarter note on ios and android is to copy and paste it wherever you need it.

How to use quarter note in CSS

Copy // css example
span {
content: "\2669";

How to type quarter note in HTML

Copy // html example

Quarter Note symbol representation in programming languages

quarter note's representation in different programming languages can be found in table below:

Language Representation
Rust \u{2669}
Ruby \u{2669}
Python \u2669
PHP \u{2669}
Perl "\x{2669}"
Java \u2669
Modern JavaScript - Since ES6 \u{2669}
JavaScript \u2669
Go \u2669
C# \u2669
C and C++ \u2669
Bash and Zsh - inside echo -e \u2669
RFC 5137 \u'2669'
No Result
Try something else