Male Sign Symbol ♂

The male sign, also known as the Mars symbol, is a widely recognized symbol used to represent the male gender. It is denoted by the symbol ♂ and is often associated with masculinity and male-related activities. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the history, cultural significance, and modern uses of the male sign.

Origin of the Male Sign

The male sign has its origins deeply rooted in ancient symbolism. It can be traced back to astrology and alchemy, where it symbolizes the Roman god Mars, the deity associated with war. The symbol ♂ is a stylized representation of Mars' shield and spear, representing strength and courage.

Cultural Significance

Throughout history, the male sign has played a crucial role in distinguishing gender-related concepts. In many cultures, it serves as a symbol of masculinity and is often used to denote activities, spaces, or objects associated with men. The cultural significance of the male sign has evolved over time, adapting to societal changes and perspectives on gender roles.

Evolution of the Symbol

While the basic form of the male sign has remained consistent, variations and reinterpretations have emerged in different contexts. Artists, designers, and activists have explored creative ways to represent masculinity, incorporating the male sign into various forms of art, fashion, and media.

Modern Uses in Society

Today, the male sign is ubiquitous in modern society, appearing in a variety of settings. It is commonly found on restroom signs to indicate facilities designated for males. Additionally, the symbol is frequently used in branding and marketing to convey a sense of masculinity or to target products and services toward a male audience.

Usage in HTML

In HTML, you can easily incorporate the male sign using the corresponding HTML entity:

<p>This is the male sign: &#9794;</p>


The male sign, with its rich history and cultural significance, continues to be a powerful symbol in the contemporary world. Whether used in ancient symbolism, modern design, or digital communication, the ♂ symbol serves as a timeless representation of masculinity and male identity.

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Male Sign Symbol Information

Symbol Name Male Sign
Unicode Version 1.1 (June 1993)
Unicode U+2642
CSS Code \2642
HTML Entity &male;
Hex Code &#x2642;
HTML Code &#9794;
Latex \male

Male Sign Symbol Encoding

UTF-8 0xE2 0x99 0x82
UTF-16 0x2642
UTF-32 0x00002642

Male Sign symbol's PNG and SVG files

How to add male sign symbol via keyboard on different Operating systems

You can type the male sign on most modern devices with the help of following methods:

How to type male sign symbol on Microsoft Word

You can type the male sign on microsoft Microsoft Word using steps mentioned below:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol and type 2 6 4 2
  • Without moving the cursor press keys Alt + x together
  • The original 2 6 4 2 is now transformed into ♂

How to type male sign symbol on Microsoft Windows

You can type the male sign on Microsoft windows using following steps:

  • Hold Alt and press to type male sign on your windows machine.

How to type male sign symbol on Mac OS

You can type the male sign on Mac OS using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Press Ctrl + ⌘ Command + ⎵ Space to bring up the Character Viewer. Alternatively, choose Edit ⇒ Emoji & Symbols
  • Type “Male Sign” in the search field at the top and press Enter
  • The symbol should appear. Click on it to insert it into your text
  • How to type male sign symbol on Mac OS
    How to type male sign symbol on Mac OS

How to type male sign symbol on Linux

You can type the male sign on Linux using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Hold ⇧ Shift + Ctrl and press the letter + U
  • Press keys 2 6 4 2 consecutively
  • And then press ↵ Enter , the desired symbol will be added to your document

How to type male sign symbol on IOS and Android

The easiest way to type the male sign on ios and android is to copy and paste it wherever you need it.

How to use male sign in CSS

Copy // css example
span {
content: "\2642";

How to type male sign in HTML

Copy // html example

Male Sign symbol representation in programming languages

male sign's representation in different programming languages can be found in table below:

Language Representation
Rust \u{2642}
Ruby \u{2642}
Python \u2642
PHP \u{2642}
Perl "\x{2642}"
Java \u2642
Modern JavaScript - Since ES6 \u{2642}
JavaScript \u2642
Go \u2642
C# \u2642
C and C++ \u2642
Bash and Zsh - inside echo -e \u2642
RFC 5137 \u'2642'
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