Angle Symbol ∠

In mathematics, an angle is a fundamental geometric concept that measures the amount of rotation or separation between two intersecting lines, rays, or planes. This foundational notion plays a crucial role in geometry, trigonometry, physics, and various other fields.

Defining an Angle

An angle is formed by two rays or lines that share a common endpoint, known as the vertex of the angle. These rays or lines extend from the vertex in different directions, determining the magnitude and direction of the angle.

Measuring Angles

Angles are typically measured in degrees (°), radians, or gradients. A full rotation around a point creates a 360° angle in the degree system and 2π radians in the radian system.

Types of Angles

Angles can be classified based on their magnitude:

  • Acute Angle: Measures between 0° and 90°.
  • Right Angle: Measures exactly 90°.
  • Obtuse Angle: Measures between 90° and 180°.
  • Straight Angle: Measures exactly 180°.
  • Reflex Angle: Measures between 180° and 360°.

Applications in Mathematics and Beyond

Angles have widespread applications in various fields. In geometry, they define shapes and the relationships between lines and planes. In trigonometry, they are central to the study of triangles and periodic functions. Angles are also vital in physics, engineering, and navigation.

Trigonometric Functions and Angles

Trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent are directly related to angles. They describe the ratios between sides of a right triangle and find extensive use in solving problems involving angles and distances.

Angles are fundamental geometric entities that describe rotations or separations between lines or planes. Their measurement and understanding are essential across various mathematical disciplines and practical applications, making them a cornerstone in mathematical reasoning and analysis.

Grasping the concept of angles not only enhances geometric understanding but also plays a pivotal role in solving problems in diverse fields, providing insights into relationships between lines, shapes, and periodic phenomena.

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Angle Symbol Information

Symbol Name Angle
Unicode Version 1.1 (June 1993)
Unicode U+2220
CSS Code \2220
HTML Entity ∠
Hex Code ∠
HTML Code ∠
Latex \angle

Angle Symbol Encoding

UTF-8 0xE2 0x88 0xA0
UTF-16 0x2220
UTF-32 0x00002220

Angle symbol's PNG and SVG files

How to type angle symbol in latex

Copy \documentclass{article}

How to add angle symbol via keyboard on different Operating systems

You can type the angle on most modern devices with the help of following methods:

How to type angle symbol on Microsoft Word

You can type the angle on microsoft Microsoft Word using steps mentioned below:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol and type 2 2 2 0
  • Without moving the cursor press keys Alt + x together
  • The original 2 2 2 0 is now transformed into ∠

How to type angle symbol on Microsoft Windows

You can type the angle on Microsoft windows using following steps:

  • Hold Alt and press to type angle on your windows machine.

How to type angle symbol on Mac OS

You can type the angle on Mac OS using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Press Ctrl + ⌘ Command + ⎵ Space to bring up the Character Viewer. Alternatively, choose Edit ⇒ Emoji & Symbols
  • Type “Angle” in the search field at the top and press Enter
  • The symbol should appear. Click on it to insert it into your text
  • How to type angle symbol on Mac OS
    How to type angle symbol on Mac OS

How to type angle symbol on Linux

You can type the angle on Linux using following steps:

  • Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol
  • Hold ⇧ Shift + Ctrl and press the letter + U
  • Press keys 2 2 2 0 consecutively
  • And then press ↵ Enter , the desired symbol will be added to your document

How to type angle symbol on IOS and Android

The easiest way to type the angle on ios and android is to copy and paste it wherever you need it.

How to use angle in CSS

Copy // css example
span {
content: "\2220";

How to type angle in HTML

Copy // html example

Angle symbol representation in programming languages

angle's representation in different programming languages can be found in table below:

Language Representation
Rust \u{2220}
Ruby \u{2220}
Python \u2220
PHP \u{2220}
Perl "\x{2220}"
Java \u2220
Modern JavaScript - Since ES6 \u{2220}
JavaScript \u2220
Go \u2220
C# \u2220
C and C++ \u2220
Bash and Zsh - inside echo -e \u2220
RFC 5137 \u'2220'
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